Inside Sequential Minimal Optimization
07 Dec 2017Inside Sequential Minimal Optimization
Departure With Noise
We’d like to begin from the imperfect separation, since no sampling is fully qualified and could be well separated. Given the support vector formulated problem expressed in terms of $\alpha_i$, $y_i$, $x_i$; then the objective function:
\(\begin{array}{l}L(w,b,\xi,\alpha,\mu)\\=\sum_{i=1}^n\alpha_i-\frac12\cdot\sum_{i,j=1}^n\alpha_i\cdot\alpha_j\cdot y_i\cdot y_j\cdot x_i^t\cdot x_j\end{array}\)
for all i, $0<\alpha_i<C$, the non-boundary case.
Works On 2 $\alpha$’s At A Time
The algorithm of SMO works by manipulating 2 $\alpha$'s at a time(with others fixed), a little hill climbing alike approach. By heuristics to choose 2 $\alpha$’s at a time.
In the begin of the whole flow, initialize $\alpha_i=0$ for $i=1$ to $n$. Suppose we randomly choose $\alpha_1$, $\alpha_2$ and denote it as $\alpha_1^{old}$, $\alpha_2^{old}$.
Due to $\sum_{i=1}^n\alpha_i\cdot y_i=0$, therefore we have:
$y_1\cdot \alpha_1+y_2\cdot \alpha_2=y_1\cdot \alpha_1^{old}+y_2\cdot \alpha_2^{old}$
This confines the optimization of $\alpha_1$, $\alpha_2$ is on a line.Next to examine the relation in between of these 2 $\alpha_1$, $\alpha_2$ of old or new.
➀for $y_1\neq y_2$, then, $\alpha_1-\alpha_2=r$, where $r$ is a constant.
➁for $y_1=y_2$, then, $\alpha_1+\alpha_2=r$.
Take $S=y_1\cdot y_2$, multiply $y_1\cdot \alpha_1+y_2\cdot \alpha_2=const$ by $y_1$, then,
$\alpha_1+S\cdot \alpha_2=const$, we have:
$\alpha_1=const-S\cdot \alpha_2$,
where $\alpha_1+S\cdot \alpha_2=\alpha_1^{old}+S\cdot \alpha_2^{old}$.Next to optimize $\alpha_1$, $\alpha_2$ with other $\alpha$'s fixed, the objective function could be rewritten as:
\(\begin{array}{l}L(w,b,\xi,\alpha,\mu)\\=\alpha_1+\alpha_2+const\\-\frac12\cdot(part\;1+par\;2)\end{array}\)➀we further express $part\;1$:
\(\begin{array}{l}part\;1\\=\sum_{i,j=1,2}\alpha_i\cdot\alpha_j\cdot y_i\cdot y_j\cdot x_i^t\cdot x_j\\=\alpha_1^2\cdot y_1^2\cdot x_1^t\cdot x_1\\\;\;+\alpha_2^2\cdot y_2^2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x_2\\\;\;+2\cdot\alpha_1\cdot\alpha_2\cdot y_1\cdot y_2\cdot x_1^t\cdot x_2\end{array}\)➁we express $part\;2$ as:
\(\begin{array}{l}part\;2\\=\sum_{i=3;j=1,2}^{j=n}\alpha_i\cdot\alpha_j\cdot y_i\cdot y_j\cdot x_i^t\cdot x_j\\\;\;+\sum_{i=1,2;j=3}^{j=n}\alpha_i\cdot\alpha_j\cdot y_i\cdot y_j\cdot x_i^t\cdot x_j\\=2\cdot(\sum_{i=3}^n\alpha_i\cdot y_i\cdot x_i^t)\cdot(\alpha_1\cdot y_1\cdot x_1+\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot x_2)\end{array}\)
Express $\alpha_1$ In Terms Of $\alpha_2$
Next to express $\alpha_1$ in terms of $\alpha_2$, this is a quiet painful and confused process, it took me some while, now I’d like to share you with my viewpoint in each step in the deduction.
From current objective function, some symptoms could be found that $x_i$ is associasted with $x_j$.
Thus, we take $K_{11}=x_1^t\cdot x_1$, $K_{22}=x_2^t\cdot x_2$, $K_{12}=x_1^t\cdot x_2$.Recall that it is deduced out by removing the old $\alpha_1$, $\alpha_2$ associated terms from the term $w$, here comes the question, can we relate the old $w$ to the new evolved $\alpha_1$, $\alpha_2$?
\(\begin{array}{l}V_j=\sum_{i=3}^n\alpha_i\cdot y_i\cdot x_i^t\cdot x_j\\=(w^{old})^t\cdot x_j-\alpha_1^{old}\cdot y_1\cdot x_1^t\cdot x_j\\\;\;\;\;-\alpha_2^{old}\cdot y_2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x_j\\=(w^{old})^t\cdot x_j-b^{old}+b^{old}\\\;\;\;\;-\alpha_1^{old}\cdot y_1\cdot x_1^t\cdot x_j\\\;\;\;\;-\alpha_2^{old}\cdot y_2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x_j\\=U_j+b^{old}\\\;\;\;\;-\alpha_1^{old}\cdot y_1\cdot x_1^t\cdot x_j\\\;\;\;\;-\alpha_2^{old}\cdot y_2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x_j\end{array}\)where $U_j=(w^{old})^t\cdot x_j-b^{old}$ is the output of $x_j$ under the old parameters, $w^{old}$, $b^{old}$. Expression in this way with a hope to refine original objective function.
In order to make it the point, the subscript of the term indicates the index, usually in this proof, they are $i$,$j$ or $1$,$2$…, the superscript is ued for the identity of old or new clipped term.
For the simplicity of the deduction and understanding, if no any word like old, new in the superscript, then, the term is treated as new term. Why by default is the term of new version? Because the nature design in SMO algorithm works by clipping 2 new terms of $\alpha$’s at a time, the objective function would then be refined as the expression of 2 new terms of $\alpha$’s.
➀deduce by replacing above terms in the objective function:
\(\begin{array}{l}L(w,b,\xi,\alpha,\mu)=\alpha_1+\alpha_2+const-\frac12\cdot(\\\;\;\;\;K_{11}\cdot\alpha_1^2+K_{22}\cdot\alpha_2^2+2\cdot S\cdot K_{12}\cdot\alpha_1\cdot\alpha_2+\\\;\;\;\;2\cdot\alpha_1\cdot y_1\cdot V_1+2\cdot\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot V_2)\end{array}\)
➁next to replace $\alpha_1$ with $\alpha_2$, more precisely, replace the new $\alpha_1$ with the new $\alpha_2$:
\(\begin{array}{l}=(r-S\cdot\alpha_2)+\alpha_2+const\\\;\;\;\;-\frac12\cdot(K_{11}\cdot(r-S\cdot\alpha_2)^2+K_{22}\cdot\alpha_2^2+\\\;\;\;\;2\cdot S\cdot K_{12}\cdot(r-S\cdot\alpha_2)\cdot\alpha_2+\\\;\;\;\;2\cdot y_1\cdot V_1\cdot(r-S\cdot\alpha_2)+2\cdot\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot V_2)\end{array}\)
➂toss out the $r$ in the term $(r-S\cdot\alpha_2)$(or we just put it in the term $const$), since it is just a constant and no association with it, as to the $r$ associated in the remaining terms, it should be retained.
\(\begin{array}{l}=(1-S)\cdot\alpha_2+const\\\;\;\;\;-\frac12\cdot(K_{11}\cdot(r-S\cdot\alpha_2)^2+K_{22}\cdot\alpha_2^2+\\\;\;\;\;2\cdot S\cdot K_{12}\cdot(r-S\cdot\alpha_2)\cdot\alpha_2+\\\;\;\;\;2\cdot y_1\cdot V_1\cdot(r-S\cdot\alpha_2)+2\cdot\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot V_2)\end{array}\)
➃expand in terms of $\alpha_2$:
\(\begin{array}{l}=(1-S)\cdot\alpha_2+const\\\;\;\;\;-\frac12\cdot K_{11}\cdot r^2+K_{11}\cdot r\cdot S\cdot\alpha_2-\frac12\cdot K_{11}\cdot S^2\cdot\alpha_2^2\\\;\;\;\;-\frac12\cdot K_{22}\cdot\alpha_2^2\\\;\;\;\;-S\cdot K_{12}\cdot r\cdot\alpha_2+S^2\cdot K_{12}\cdot\alpha_2^2\\\;\;\;\;-y_1\cdot V_1\cdot r+y_1\cdot V_1\cdot S\cdot\alpha_2-y_2\cdot V_2\cdot\alpha_2\end{array}\)
➄since we’d like to express $\alpha_1$ in terms of $\alpha_2$ in the new evolved objective function, it might be a good idea to put the $r$ non-associated with $\alpha_2$ into the $const$ term, where $S^2=1$ and the $-\frac12\cdot K_{11}\cdot r^2$, $-y_1\cdot V_1\cdot r$ should be tossed out:
\(\begin{array}{l}=(1-S)\cdot\alpha_2+const\\\;\;\;\;+K_{11}\cdot r\cdot S\cdot\alpha_2-\frac12\cdot K_{11}\cdot S^2\cdot\alpha_2^2\\\;\;\;\;-\frac12\cdot K_{22}\cdot\alpha_2^2\\\;\;\;\;-S\cdot K_{12}\cdot r\cdot\alpha_2+S^2\cdot K_{12}\cdot\alpha_2^2\\\;\;\;\;+y_1\cdot V_1\cdot S\cdot\alpha_2-y_2\cdot V_2\cdot\alpha_2\end{array}\)
➅it seems that the objective function has been well refined with only $\alpha_2$ in it, but, take a look at the term $y_1\cdot V_1\cdot S\cdot\alpha_2$, it consists of $y_1$ and $\alpha_2$, whereas, $y_1$ is the signal of $\alpha_1$, and $\alpha_2$ should be associated with $y_2$, here comes the tricky factor $S=y_1\cdot y_2$:
\(\begin{array}{l}y_1\cdot V_1\cdot S\cdot\alpha_2\\=y_1\cdot V_1\cdot y_1\cdot y_2\cdot\alpha_2\\=V_1\cdot y_2\cdot\alpha_2\end{array}\)
where $y_1^2=1$, thus, the regularized objective function in this paragraph would be:
\(\begin{array}{l}=(1-S)\cdot\alpha_2+const\\\;\;\;\;+K_{11}\cdot r\cdot S\cdot\alpha_2-\frac12\cdot K_{11}\cdot S^2\cdot\alpha_2^2\\\;\;\;\;-\frac12\cdot K_{22}\cdot\alpha_2^2\\\;\;\;\;-S\cdot K_{12}\cdot r\cdot\alpha_2+S^2\cdot K_{12}\cdot\alpha_2^2\\\;\;\;\;+y_2\cdot V_1\cdot\alpha_2-y_2\cdot V_2\cdot\alpha_2\end{array}\)
➆now, we save with only the $\alpha_2^{new}$ and $(\alpha_2^{new})^2$ are left:
\(\begin{array}{l}=\frac12\cdot(2K_{12}-K_{11}-K_{22})\cdot(\alpha_2^{new})^2\\\;\;\;\;+(1-S+S\cdot K_{11}\cdot r-S\cdot K_{12}\cdot r\\\;\;\;\;+y_2\cdot V_1-y_2\cdot V_2)\cdot\alpha_2^{new}\end{array}\)
Relate $\alpha_2^{new}$ Back To $\alpha_2^{old}$
The major spirit of SMO is to optimize 2 $\alpha$’s at a time, by transiting from the old $\alpha$’s to the new $\alpha$’s, more precisely, from $\alpha_1^{old}$ to $\alpha_1^{new}$, and from $\alpha_2^{old}$ to $\alpha_2^{new}$. Now, we focus on $\alpha_2^{new}$, and laterly, by the relationship in between these 2 $\alpha$’s:
above equality holds for both the old $\alpha$’s to the new $\alpha$’s, we can get the $\alpha_1^{new}$ after we get $\alpha_2^{new}$.To link $\alpha_2^{new}$ back to $\alpha_2^{old}$ ,we start below procedure.
➀now, we focus on the coefficient of $\alpha_2^{new}$, expand from $r$ and $V_1$ and $V_2$:
\(\begin{array}{l}1-S+S\cdot K_{11}\cdot r-S\cdot K_{12}\cdot r+y_2\cdot V_1-y_2\cdot V_2\\=1-S+S\cdot K_{11}\cdot(\alpha_1^{old}+S\cdot\alpha_2^{old})\\\;\;\;\;-S\cdot K_{12}\cdot(\alpha_1^{old}+S\cdot\alpha_2^{old})\\\;\;\;\;+y_2\cdot(U_1^{old}+b^{old}-\alpha_1^{old}\cdot y_1\cdot K_{11}-\alpha_2^{old}\cdot y_2\cdot K_{12})\\\;\;\;\;-y_2\cdot(U_2^{old}+b^{old}-\alpha_1^{old}\cdot y_1\cdot K_{12}-\alpha_2^{old}\cdot y_2\cdot K_{22})\end{array}\)
➁further expand:
\(\begin{array}{l}=1-S+S\cdot K_{11}\cdot\alpha_1^{old}+S\cdot K_{11}\cdot S\cdot\alpha_2^{old}\\\;\;\;\;-S\cdot K_{12}\cdot\alpha_1^{old}-S\cdot K_{12}\cdot S\cdot\alpha_2^{old}\\\;\;\;\;+y_2\cdot U_1^{old}+y_2\cdot b^{old}-y_2\cdot\alpha_1^{old}\cdot y_1\cdot K_{11}-y_2\cdot\alpha_2^{old}\cdot y_2\cdot K_{12}\\\;\;\;\;-y_2\cdot U_2^{old}-y_2\cdot b^{old}+y_2\cdot\alpha_1^{old}\cdot y_1\cdot K_{12}+y_2\cdot\alpha_2^{old}\cdot y_2\cdot K_{22}\end{array}\)
➂eliminate these terms $S\cdot K_{11}\cdot \alpha_1^{old}$, $S\cdot K_{12}\cdot \alpha_1^{old}$ and $y_2\cdot b^{old}$:➃we obtain below equality:
\(\begin{array}{l}=1-S+(K_{11}-2\cdot K_{12}+K_{22})\cdot\alpha_2^{old}\\\;\;\;\;+y_2\cdot(U_1^{old}-U_2^{old})\end{array}\)
, where $U_j^{old}=(w^{old})^t\cdot x_j-b^{old}$.
➄enrich the equation with terms that is related to $\alpha_2$ might be helpful:
\(\begin{array}{l}=(y_2)^2-y_1\cdot y_2+(K_{11}-2\cdot K_{12}+K_{22})\cdot\alpha_2^{old}\\\;\;\;\;+y_2\cdot(U_1^{old}-U_2^{old})\end{array}\)
, where $(y_2)^2=1$ and $y_1\cdot y_2=S$.
Introduction Of $\eta$
Take a look at above ➄, there exists a term $(K_{11}-2\cdot K_{12}+K_{22})$ quiet similar with the term $(2K_{12}-K_{11}-K_{22})$, which is the coefficient of the term $(\alpha_2^{new})^2$.
Next is to further refine the objective funection by introducing $\eta$.
Take $\eta=2K_{12}-K_{11}-K_{22}$, then, the above ➄ becomes:
\(\begin{array}{l}=(y_2)^2-y_1\cdot y_2-\eta\cdot\alpha_2^{old}\\\;\;\;\;+y_2\cdot(U_1^{old}-U_2^{old})\end{array}\) \(=y_2\cdot(y_2-y_1+U_1^{old}-U_2^{old})-\eta\cdot\alpha_2^{old}\)
where $E_1^{old}=Err_{(x_1,y_1)}^{old}=(w^{old})^t\cdot x_1-b^{old}-y_1$,
and $E_2^{old}=Err_{(x_2,y_2)}^{old}=(w^{old})^t\cdot x_2-b^{old}-y_2$.
They are just the error caused by the $w^{old}$, when $\alpha_1^{old}$ and $\alpha_2^{old}$ in it.Now, we formularize our problem in objective function of $\eta$, $\alpha_2^{new}$, $\alpha_2^{old}$, $E_1^{old}$, $E_2^{old}$:
Transform from $L(w,b,\xi,\alpha,\mu)$ to $L(\alpha_2^{new})$ is much simpler in its optimization
\(\begin{array}{l}L(w,b,\xi,\alpha,\mu)\\=L(\alpha_2^{new})\\=\frac12\cdot\eta\cdot(\alpha_2^{new})^2\\\;\;\;\;+(y_2\cdot(E_1^{old}-E_2^{old})-\eta\cdot\alpha_2^{old})\cdot\alpha_2^{new}\\\;\;\;\;+const\end{array}\), since, only $\alpha_2^{new}$ is left to be optimized, the regularization cost of computation is greatly reduced!!!
Now we come to the validity of $\eta$, to get the most optimal vale of $\alpha_2^{new}$:
➀$\frac{\partial L}{\partial\alpha_2^{new}}=\eta\cdot\alpha_2^{new}+y_2\cdot(E_1^{old}-E_2^{old})-\eta\cdot\alpha_2^{old}=0$
➁$\frac{\partial L}{\partial{(\alpha_2^{new})^2}}=\frac12\cdot\eta$, where we have $\eta=2K_{12}-K_{11}-K_{22}$.By ➀, this coincides with our departure point in the section relate $\alpha_2^{new}$ back to $\alpha_2^{old}$, we just make the point. We have:
$\eta\leq0$ is the validity of $\eta$
Further refine, we can have:
\(\alpha_2^{new}=\alpha_2^{old}+\frac{y_2\cdot(E_2^{old}-E_1^{old})}\eta\)and must hold:
For computation, $\eta$ should be less than $0$
\(\begin{array}{l}\eta=2\cdot K_{12}-K_{11}-K_{22}\\\;\;\;=-\left\|x_1-x_2\right\|^2\leq0\end{array}\), although it might be approaching to $0$.
Feasible Rangle Of New $\alpha$ Value
Suppose we are working under $\eta<0$ in this equality, and it is correct:
Then, the $\alpha_2^{new}$ thus obtained might be unconstrainted maximum value. The feasible range of $\alpha_2^{new}$ must be checked.We’d like to examine 4 cases, begin from below 3 equality:
➀$S=y_1\cdot y_2$.
➁$\alpha_1^{old}+S\cdot \alpha_2^{old}=r=\alpha_1^{new}+S\cdot \alpha_2^{new}$.
➂$0\leq\alpha_i\leq C$, this should be inequality.[Case 1]$S=1$, $\alpha_1+\alpha_2=r$, $r>C$, then, max($\alpha_2$)=$C$, min($\alpha_2$)=$r-C$
[Case 2]$S=1$, $\alpha_1+\alpha_2=r$, $r<C$, then, max($\alpha_2$)=$r$, min($\alpha_2$)=$0$
Where the case 1 and case 2 are found to have $y_1=y_2$, we’d like to get the low threshold by max($0$, $r-c$), denote it as L; the hight threshold by min($r$, $C$), denote it as H.
[Case 3]$S=-1$, $\alpha_1-\alpha_2=r$, $r>0$, then, max($\alpha_2$)=$C-r$, min($\alpha_2$)=$0$
[Case 4]$S=-1$, $\alpha_1-\alpha_2=r$, $r<0$, then, max($\alpha_2$)=$C$, min($\alpha_2$)=$-r$
Where the case 3 and case 4 are found to have $y_1\neq y_2$, we’d like to get the low threshold by max($0$, $-r$), denote it as L; the hight threshold by min($C$, $C+r$), denote it as H.
Take the minimum feasible of $\alpha_2^{new}$ be L, the maximum feasible of $\alpha_2^{new}$ be H, then:
Clip New $\alpha$
Succeeding to above section, in this paragraph, I’d like to summarize the process to clip $\alpha_2^{new}$, then, $\alpha_1^{new}$.
Begin by given $y_1$, $y_2$, $K_{11}$, $K_{22}$, $K_{12}$, $E_1^{old}$, $E_2^{old}$, where $E_i^{old}=w^{old}\cdot x_i-b^{old}-y_i$.
➀take $\eta=2\cdot K_{12}-K_{11}-K_{22}$, then $\eta\leq 0$ must hold.➁if $\eta<0$, by prior induction, we have:
Take $\triangle\alpha_2=\frac{y_2\cdot(E_2^{old}-E_1^{old})}\eta$
Please recall that $\alpha_1=r-S\cdot \alpha_2$, it holds for both new and old. Therefore,
, where $\triangle\alpha_1$, $\triangle\alpha_2$ are the differentials or derivatives of $\alpha_1$, $\alpha_2$.➂if $\eta=0$, most SMO dosument, just commends to evaluate the objective function at the 2 end points and set $\alpha_2^{new}$ to the one that can make the larger objective function, thus, $\alpha_2^{new}$ would be more closed to boundary!!!
Recap the objective function is now:
\(\begin{array}{l}L(\alpha_2^{new})\\=\frac12\cdot\eta\cdot(\alpha_2^{new})^2\\\;\;\;\;+(y_2\cdot(E_1^{old}-E_2^{old})-\eta\cdot\alpha_2^{old})\cdot\alpha_2^{new}\\\;\;\;\;+const\end{array}\)Where mjtsai think, for $\eta=0$, alternative would be to abandom and switch to next set of 2 points, since the current evaluated 2 points might just be the duplicated or the overlapped cases(Coursera, M.L professor ANG’s SMO sample code does this).
As to the mirrored case, should keep them in the mutual exclusive list for later manipulation, once new iteration would like to choose the new 2 candidates, already paired 2 points should not be paired again, also by mjtsai.
SMO Updating
We now have the concept that $\alpha_1^{new}$, $\alpha_2^{new}$ are updated by $\triangle\alpha_1$, $\triangle\alpha_2$, this section would like to guide you to update $E_i$, $F_i$, $w$ and $b$.
[Updating $b$]
Take $E(x,y)=\sum_{i=1}^n\alpha_i\cdot y_i\cdot\ x_i^t\cdot x-y-b$ to be the predict error:
$\triangle E(x,y)=\triangle\alpha_1\cdot y_1\cdot x_1^t\cdot x+\triangle\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x-\triangle b$ just holds to be the change in $E$.If $0<\alpha_1^{new}<C$, then, we can treat the new value of $E_1$ be zero, that is $E_1^{new}=0$, since it is not the boundary case. Recall in the KKT case 2, it is not at boundary, we have $R_i=y_i\cdot E_i=0$. Thus, we can reinforce the new value of $E$ to be $0$.
$=E(x,y)^{old}+\triangle E(x,y)$
$=E(x,y)^{old}+\triangle\alpha_1\cdot y_1\cdot x_1^t\cdot x+\triangle\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x-\triangle b$
$=0$Then, we have $\triangle b$ in below expression:
\(\triangle b=E(x,y)^{old}+\triangle\alpha_1\cdot y_1\cdot x_1^t\cdot x+\triangle\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x\)Take $\triangle b=b^{new}-b^{old}$, then:
\(b^{new}=E(x,y)^{old}+\triangle\alpha_1\cdot y_1\cdot x_1^t\cdot x+\triangle\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x+b^{old}\)We can further deduce out that:
\(b_1^{new}=E(x_1,y_1)^{old}+\triangle\alpha_1\cdot y_1\cdot x_1^t\cdot x_1+\triangle\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x_1+b^{old}\)
\(b_2^{new}=E(x_2,y_2)^{old}+\triangle\alpha_1\cdot y_1\cdot x_1^t\cdot x_2+\triangle\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x_2+b^{old}\)where
$\left|(w^{new})^t\cdot x_i-y_i\right|\leq\varepsilon$
\(\triangle b_1=b_1^{new}-b^{old}\)
\(\triangle b_2=b_2^{new}-b^{old}\)
➀when $\alpha_1^{new}$ (and, or, $\alpha_2^{new}$) is not at boundary, $0<\alpha_1^{new},\alpha_2^{new}<C$, by above deduction, we have $E(x_i,y_i)^{new}=0$, for $i=1,2$, that is to say:
\(R_i=y_i\cdot E_i^{new}=y_i\cdot ((w^{new})^t\cdot x_i-b-y_i)\approx0\)
it holds for $y_i=\pm$, therefore, there should be no change in $b$, we can treat $\triangle b=0$.
$\triangle b=0$
$\;\;\;\;=b_2^{new}-b_2^{old}$, further proof of this:
let $b_1^{new}$, $b_2^{new}$ the bias term after iteration
$(w^{new})^t\cdot x_1-b_1^{new}\approx0$
$(w^{new})^t\cdot x_2-b_2^{new}\approx0$, where non-boundary case guarantees:, for $i=1,2$, and $\varepsilon$ is a rather tiny quantity.
therefore, $\varepsilon-b_1^{new}\approx\varepsilon-b_2^{new}$
hence, we have $b_1^{new}\approx b_2^{new}$ as the result.➁when $\alpha_1^{new}$, $\alpha_2^{new}$ are all at different boundary, one at $0$, one at $C$, where $L\neq H$, then, the interval in between $b_1^{new}$ and $b_2^{new}$ are all constrained by the KKT case 1 and 3, respectively.
Be recalled that KKT case 1 has it that $\alpha_i=0$, $R_i\geq0$; and KKT case 3 has it that $\alpha_i=C$, $R_i\leq0$, the intersection with KKT case 2 is the equality of $0$, $R_i\approx0$, to reinforce these 2 points entering into the support vector, we can just come out with $E(x,y)^{new}=0$. Therefore, we take $b^{new}=\frac{b_1^{new}+b_2^{new}}{2}$, such that the next $b^{new}$ would be stable in this way, the very next time, for current evaluated or other points to be iterated over, it would be much easier to move toward the boundary than current.
On our way to update $b$, in the meanwhile, we update $E_i$.
[Updating $F_i$]
We have it that:
$=w^t\cdot x-y$
$=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\alpha_i\cdot y_i\cdot x_i^t\cdot x-y$Trivially, we also have it that:
$\triangle F(x,y)$
$=\triangle\alpha_1\cdot y_1\cdot x_1^t\cdot x+\triangle\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot x_2^t\cdot x$[Updating $w$]
Under the assumption that we are using linear kernel,
begin from $w=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\alpha_i\cdot y_i\cdot x_i$,
we can have it that:
$\triangle w=\triangle\alpha_1\cdot y_1\cdot x_1+\triangle\alpha_2\cdot y_2\cdot x_2$