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Introduction To The t Distribution

Prologue To The t Distribution

In probability theory and statistics, base on the most fundamental gamma distribution, t distribution is one of the many models of distributions further developed, furthermore, its definition is based on the central limit theorem. With the basic realization of gamma, chi-square distributions, we could also treat the t distribution a special joint case of standard normal distribution and the chi-square distribution. It would be greatly helpful in the evaluation of the regression model build on your hypothesis, the power of test for the precision in the machine learning results.

Why Do We Need The t Distribution?

As we know that $\frac {\overline {X_n}-\mu}{\sigma/\sqrt n}\sim ɸ(0,1)$, by the central limit theorem, when $n\rightarrow\infty$, the term $\frac {\overline {X_n}-\mu}{S/\sqrt n}$ approximates $\frac {\overline {X_n}-\mu}{\sigma/\sqrt n}$, where
➀$S$ is the sample deviation.
➁$\sigma$ is the population deviation.

After experiments over so many years, statisticians have it that when sample size is less than 30, $\frac {\overline {X_n}-\mu}{S/\sqrt n}\not\sim ɸ(0,1)$ as a conclusion, for $n<30$, it would be insufficient the quantity of sample size to be distributed in normal distribution.

That’s why we need to have t distribution, by usual, we take $T$=$\frac {\overline {X_n}-\mu}{S/\sqrt n}$.

Expand The Definition Of The t Distribution

Let T to be a random variable, expand from where it is defined:
$T$=$\frac {\overline {X_n}-\mu}{S/\sqrt n}$
$\;\;$=$\frac {\overline {X_n}-\mu}{\sigma/\sqrt n}$/$\frac {S/\sqrt n}{\sigma/\sqrt n}$
$\;\;$=$\frac {Z}{S/\sigma}$, where $Z\sim ɸ(0,1)$
$\;\;$=$\frac {Z}{\sqrt {S^2/\sigma^2}}$
$\;\;$=$\frac {Z}{\sqrt {\frac {\chi_{n-1}^2}{n-1}}}$
, where we have:
$\chi_{n-1}^2$=$(n-1)\cdot S^2$/$\sigma^2$
➁$n-1$ is the degree of freedom.

The t Distribution PDF

The PDF of t distribution is given by:
$f_{T}(t)$=$\frac {\Gamma(\frac {\nu+1}{2})}{\sqrt {\pi\cdot\nu}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}$,
where $\nu$ is the degree of freedom, $-\infty<t<\infty$.

➀please recall that $T$=$\frac {Z}{\sqrt {\frac {\chi_{n-1}^2}{n-1}}}$, and we learn the deduction of the F distribution joint PDF.
Take $f_Z(z)$=$\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\cdot\pi}}\cdot e^{-\frac {z^2}{2}}$, where $-\infty<z<\infty$, $Z\sim ɸ(0,1)$.
Take $f_{\chi_{\nu}^2}(x)$=$\frac {x^{\frac {\nu}{2}-1}}{2^{\frac {\nu}{2}}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\cdot e^{-\frac {x}{2}}$, where $0<x<\infty$, $X \sim\chi_{\nu}^2$.

➁express the joint PDF in below form:
$f_{Z,\chi_{\nu}^2}(z,x)$=$f_Z(z)\cdot f_{\chi_{\nu}^2}(x)$, where $z\in Z$, $x\in X$
$\Rightarrow F_{Z,\chi_{\nu}^2}(z,x)$=$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{0}^{\infty}f_Z(z)\cdot f_{X}(x)\operatorname dx\operatorname dz$
For the simplicity of notation, we use $f_{X}(x)$ for $f_{\chi_{\nu}^2}(x)$, since $X \sim\chi_{\nu}^2$, and the $F_{Z,\chi_{\nu}^2}(z,x)$ is the CDF(cumulative distributed function).

➂by the definition of $T$=$\frac {Z}{\sqrt {\frac {\chi_{n-1}^2}{n-1}}}$
Let $t$=$z$/$\sqrt\frac {x}{\nu}$, and, why we use $x$, not $x^2$?
Be noted that $x$ is one sample distributed in $\chi_{\nu}^2$. Don’t get confused!!

➃let $z$=$\frac {t\cdot\sqrt x}{\sqrt \nu}$, $\operatorname dz$=$\frac {\sqrt x}{\sqrt \nu}\cdot\operatorname dt$
We can express $z$ in terms of $t$, which then in turns expressed in terms of $x$.

$=F_{T,\chi_{\nu}^2}(t,x)$, where $t \in T$
$=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{0}^{\infty}f_Z(\frac {t\cdot\sqrt x}{\sqrt \nu})\cdot f_{X}(x)\operatorname dx\frac {\sqrt x}{\sqrt \nu}\cdot\operatorname dt$
$=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\cdot\pi}}\cdot e^{-\frac {t^2}{2}\cdot\frac {x}{\nu}}\cdot\frac {x^{\frac {\nu}{2}-1}\cdot e^{-\frac {x}{2}}}{2^{\frac {\nu}{2}}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\operatorname dx\frac {\sqrt x}{\sqrt \nu}\cdot\operatorname dt$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\cdot\pi}\cdot\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{2^{\frac {\nu}{2}}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{0}^{\infty}x^{\frac {\nu+1}{2}-1}\cdot e^{-(\frac {t^2}{2}\cdot\frac {x}{\nu}+\frac {x}{2})}\operatorname dx\operatorname dt$

➄let $w$=$\frac {t^2}{2}\cdot\frac {x}{\nu}+\frac {x}{2}$=$\frac {(t^2+\nu)\cdot x}{2\cdot\nu}$
, then $\operatorname dw$=$\frac {t^2+\nu}{2\cdot\nu}\cdot\operatorname dx$
, and $x$=$\frac {2\cdot\nu}{t^2+\nu}\cdot w$
, therefore $\operatorname dx$=$\frac {2\cdot\nu}{t^2+\nu}\cdot\operatorname dw$

$=\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\cdot\pi}\cdot\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{2^{\frac {\nu}{2}}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{0}^{\infty}(\frac {2\cdot\nu}{t^2+\nu}\cdot w)^{\frac {\nu+1}{2}-1}\cdot e^{-w}\cdot\frac {2\cdot\nu}{t^2+\nu}\cdot\operatorname dw\operatorname dt$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\cdot\pi}\cdot\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{2^{\frac {\nu}{2}}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu+1}{2})\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}(\frac {2\cdot\nu}{t^2+\nu})^{\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dt$
, where $\Gamma(\frac {\nu+1}{2})$=$\int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-w}\cdot w^{\frac {\nu+1}{2}-1}\operatorname dw$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\cdot\pi}\cdot\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{2^{\frac {\nu}{2}}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu+1}{2})\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}(\frac {t^2+\nu}{2\cdot\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dt$

➅simplify the notation from $F_{T,\chi_{\nu}^2}(t,x)$ to $F_{T}(t)$, then:
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\cdot\pi}\cdot\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{2^{\frac {\nu}{2}}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu+1}{2})\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}(\frac {t^2+\nu}{2\cdot\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dt$

$f_{T}(t)$=$\frac {\operatorname dF_{T}(t)}{\operatorname dt}$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\cdot\pi}\cdot\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{2^{\frac {\nu}{2}}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu+1}{2})\cdot (\frac {t^2+\nu}{2\cdot\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}$

After the deduction, we finally have it that:
$f_{T}(t)$=$\frac {\Gamma(\frac {\nu+1}{2})}{\sqrt {\pi\cdot\nu}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}$

Moments Of The t Distribution

Begin from PDF of t distribution, we’d like to further regularize it:
$=\frac {\Gamma(\frac {\nu+1}{2})}{\sqrt {\pi\cdot\nu}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2}+\frac {1}{2})}{\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})\cdot\Gamma(\frac {1}{2})}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{\beta(\frac {\nu}{2},\frac {1}{2})}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}$
, where $\sqrt\pi$=$\Gamma(\frac {1}{2})$, $\frac {\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2}+\frac {1}{2})}{\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})\cdot\Gamma(\frac {1}{2})}$=$\beta(\frac {\nu}{2},\frac {1}{2})^{-1}$

The moments would be a cofactor in the expect value and variance of the t distribution.
For any $t\in T$, where $T$ is a random variable in t distribution. The k-th ordinary moment would be:
$E_{k}\lbrack t\rbrack$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{\beta(\frac {\nu}{2},\frac {1}{2})}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}t^{k}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dt$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{\beta(\frac {\nu}{2},\frac {1}{2})}\cdot(\int_{-\infty}^{0}t^{k}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dt$+$\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{k}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dt)$

Expect Value Of The t Distribution

It’s the case when $k=1$:
$\int_{-\infty}^{0}t^{1}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dt$=$-\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{1}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dt$

When $k=1$, integrate from negative infinity to $0$, is equivalent to negate the integration from $0$ to the infinity.

Therefore, $\mu_{1}$=$E\lbrack t\rbrack$=$0$, the expect value is $0$.

Variance Of The t Distribution

➀the variance involves the 2nd order moment, it is the case when $k=2$, integrate from negative infinity to $0$, is equivalent to the integration from $0$ to the infinity. Therefore, we have it that:
$\mu_{2}$=$E_{2}\lbrack t\rbrack$
$=E\lbrack t^{2}\rbrack$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{\beta(\frac {\nu}{2},\frac {1}{2})}\cdot 2\cdot\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{2}\cdot(1+\frac {t^2}{\nu})^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dt$

➁take $w$=$\frac {t^{2}}{\nu}$, then $t$=$\sqrt w\cdot\nu$
, and $\operatorname dw$=$\frac {2\cdot t}{\nu}\cdot\operatorname dt$, $\operatorname dt$=$\frac {\nu}{2\cdot t}\cdot\operatorname dw$

➂expand from the 2nd order moment: $E_{2}\lbrack t\rbrack$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{\beta(\frac {\nu}{2},\frac {1}{2})}\cdot 2\cdot\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac {\nu}{2\cdot t}\cdot t^{2}\cdot(1+w)^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dw$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{\beta(\frac {\nu}{2},\frac {1}{2})}\cdot 2\cdot\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac {\nu}{2}\cdot(w\cdot\nu)^{\frac {1}{2}}\cdot(1+w)^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dw$
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{\beta(\frac {\nu}{2},\frac {1}{2})}\cdot 2\cdot\frac {(\nu)^{\frac {3}{2}}}{2}\int_{0}^{\infty}(w)^{\frac {1}{2}}\cdot(1+w)^{-\frac {\nu+1}{2}}\operatorname dw$

➃investigate the power term of $w$, $1+w$, they could be refined:
$\frac {1}{2}$=$\frac {3}{2}-1$, $-\frac {\nu+1}{2}$=$-\frac {3}{2}-\frac {\nu-2}{2}$

➄continue above equality:
$=\frac {1}{\sqrt\nu}\cdot\frac {1}{\beta(\frac {\nu}{2},\frac {1}{2})}\cdot(\nu)^{\frac {3}{2}}\cdot\beta(\frac {3}{2},\frac {\nu-2}{2})$
$=\nu\cdot\frac {\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2}+\frac {1}{2})}{\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})\cdot\Gamma(\frac {1}{2})}\cdot\frac {\Gamma(\frac {3}{2})\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu-2}{2})}{\Gamma(\frac {3}{2}+\frac {\nu-2}{2})}$

➅further simplify below terms:
$\Gamma(\frac {3}{2})$=$\frac {1}{2}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {1}{2})$,
$\Gamma(\frac {3}{2}+\frac {\nu-2}{2})$=$\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2}+\frac {1}{2})$, and,
As to $\Gamma(\frac {\nu-2}{2})$, begin by $\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})$:
$\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})$=$\frac {\nu-2}{2}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2}-1)$
thus, $\Gamma(\frac {\nu-2}{2})$=$\frac {2}{\nu-2}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})$

➆put it all together:
$E_{2}\lbrack t\rbrack$
$=\nu\cdot\frac {\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2}+\frac {1}{2})}{\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})\cdot\Gamma(\frac {1}{2})}\cdot\frac {\frac {1}{2}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {1}{2})\cdot\frac {2}{\nu-2}\cdot\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2})}{\Gamma(\frac {\nu}{2}+\frac {1}{2})}$
$=\frac {\nu}{\nu-2}$

Finally, we can deduce it out the variance:
$Var\lbrack t\rbrack$
$=E\lbrack t^{2}\rbrack$-$E\lbrack t\rbrack$
$=E_{2}\lbrack t\rbrack$-$E\lbrack t\rbrack$
$=\frac {\nu}{\nu-2}$

Cautions must made that the variance is only meaningful, when $\nu>2$, otherwise, it doesn’t exist.