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Jensen's Inequality

Prologue To The Jensen's Inequality

The Jensen's inequality is an important inequality in the proof of many famous lemmas, theorems, it reveals that equality, $E\lbrack g(X)\rbrack$=$g(E\lbrack X\rbrack)$ rarely occur for nonlinear function g. Without actually computing the distribution of $g(X)$, we can easily relate $E\lbrack g(X)\rbrack$ to $g(E\lbrack X\rbrack)$.

Jensen's Inequality

Let $g$ be a convex function, and let $X$ be any random variable, then
$\;\;g(E\lbrack X\rbrack)\le E\lbrack g(X)\rbrack$

➀why focus on the convex function?
Be recalled that the second derivative of convex function is positive, that is $g″(X)\ge 0$. The curve would be in a bowl shape.
➁suppose $X$=$\{e_1,e_2\}$ is a random variable, containing 2 events with event $e_1$ the probability $\frac {4}{7}$, and event $e_2$ the probability $\frac {3}{7}$.
You can treat the 2 events as the inputs.

Convexity of $g$ forces all line segments connecting 2 points on the curve lie above the part of the curve segment in between.

➂if we choose the line ranging from $(a,g(a))$ to $b,g(b)$, then
$(E\lbrack X\rbrack,E\lbrack g(X)\rbrack)$
=$(\frac {4}{7}\cdot a+\frac {3}{7}\cdot b,\frac {4}{7}\cdot g(a)+\frac {3}{7}\cdot g(b))$
=$\frac {4}{7}\cdot (a,g(a))+\frac {3}{7}\cdot (b,g(b))$
This point $(E\lbrack X\rbrack,E\lbrack g(X)\rbrack)$ must lie above the point $(E\lbrack X\rbrack,g(E\lbrack X\rbrack))$.
Therefore, we have proved $g(E\lbrack X\rbrack)\le E\lbrack g(X)\rbrack$.