Variable Elimination Order And Moral Graph
29 Jul 2018Prologue To Variable Elimination Order And Moral Graph
Moral Graph Of A BN(Bayesian Network)
[The moralization algorithm]➀drop the connectivity in the original Bayesian network, that is to remove the arrow from the arc.
➁connect the parents that shares a common child, that is to marry them.The resulting undirected graph is the moral graph of a Bayesian network.
This undirected graph is also named Markov network.
The Markov network encodes the CPD in the Bayesian network as a factor of all related variables, like $P(E\vert B,C)$ is expressed in a factor form, $f(B,C,E)$, related variables in each distinct CDP are now be connected by an edge.
Why we turn the CDP in the Bayesian network into the factorized form in the Markov network?
[Answer]Because the moral graph is undirected, it is not in conditionally distributed, rather than, in joint distributed!!
I-Map(Independence Map)
[Definition]Given below 2 prerequisites:
➀let $I(G)$ be the set of all conditional independences implied by the DAG, said $G$.
➁let $I(P)$ be the set of all conditional independences that holds for or belongs to the joint probability distributiuon, said $P$.We define the DAG $G$ is an I-Map of a distribution $P$, if $I(G)\subseteq I(P)$.
[Full connected DAG]A fully connected DAG $G$ is an I-Map for any probability distribution, since:
[Minimal I-Map]
$I(G)$=$\varnothing\subseteq I(P)$ for all $P$$G$ is a minimal I-Map for P, if any removal of a single edge makes it not an I-Map.
[Perfect map]
➀a joint probability distributrion might have multiple minimal I-Maps.
➁each corresponds to a specific node-ordering.For $I(G)$=$I(P)$, we say $G$ is a perfect map for $P$.
This section could be found at Probabilistic graphical models, David Sontag, New York University, Lecture 2, February 2, 2012, p.5
Concept Of Potentials
[1] What is a potential?A potential $\phi_{\chi}$ over a set of random variables $\chi$ is a function that maps each combination of configurations to a non-negative real number.
The conditional probability distribution, joint probability distribution are all the special cases of potential. The domain of a potential $\chi$ is denoted as:
[2] Moralizing and domain graph
$dom(\phi_{\chi})$=$\chi$Let $\phi$=$\{\phi_{1},\phi_{2},…,\phi_{n}\}$ to be the potentials over a set of random variables, $\chi$=$\{X_{1},…,X_{m}\}$, and with its domain distributed as $dim(\phi_{i})$=$D_{i}$.
[3] Potential and its domain
➀the domain graph for $\phi$ is the undirected graph with random variables $X_{1}$,…,$X_{m}$ as nodes and link exists between node pairs belonging to the same domain.
➁it is also known as moral graph.Given that $\phi$=$\{\phi_{1},…,\phi_{5}\}$ is a set of potentials over $\{X_{1},…,X_{5}\}$, below graph exhibits the potential with respect to its domain:
[4] The fill-ins
, where $\phi_{1}$=$P(X_{1})$,$\phi_{2}$=$P(X_{2}\vert X_{1})$,$\phi_{3}$=$P(X_{3}\vert X_{1})$,$\phi_{4}$=$P(X_{4}\vert X_{2},X_{3})$,$\phi_{5}$=$P(X_{5}\vert X_{4})$.
In variable elimination process, the removal of one variable would possibly generate a new potential over a domain that didn't exist in the original domain graph, such new potential is the fill-in.
The goal of the most optimal variable elimination sequence is to introduce no extra fill-ins.
Factorization In MN(Markov Network)
[1] The full/joint PDF in MNGiven below MN, base on our concept that potential is a CPD or a factor of joint distribution, then:
[2] Tight relation between factorization and independence
➀$P(A,B,C,D)$…joint PDF
=$\frac {1}{Z}\cdot\phi_{1}(A,B)\cdot\phi_{2}(B,C)\cdot\phi_{3}(C,D)\cdot\phi_{4}(D,A)$
➁Z..normalization factor
also called the partition function.
$X\perp Y\vert Z$ iff $P(X,Y,Z)$=$\phi_{1}(X,Z)\cdot\phi_{2}(Y,Z)$,
then, $(A\perp C\vert D,B)$ and $(B\perp D\vert A,C)$.To show $(A\perp C\vert D,B)$’s independence:
, where $\psi_{i}$ is the potential.
➁for $\psi_{1}(A,D,B)$’s independence:
$B\perp D\vert A$
$\Leftrightarrow P(B,D,A)$=$\phi_{1}(B,A)\cdot\phi_{4}(D,A)$
➂for $\psi_{2}(C,D,B)$’s independence:
$B\perp D\vert C$
$\Leftrightarrow P(B,D,C)$=$\phi_{2}(B,C)\cdot\phi_{3}(D,C)$
=$\phi_{1}(B,A)\cdot\phi_{2}(B,C)\cdot\phi_{3}(D,C)\cdot\phi_{4}(D,A)$$(B\perp D\vert A,C)$’s independence could be proved in similar way.
[3] Factors in MNA factor can below representations:
Factors in MN is a more symmetric parameterization that captures the affinities in between related random variables.
➀a joint distribution over $D$ by defining $\phi(D)$.
➁a CPD $P(X\vert D)$, by defining $\phi(X\cup D)$
The Gibbs Distribution For BN Versus MN
[1] The Gibbs distributionA distribution $P_{\phi}$ is a Gibbs distribution if it parameterizes a set of factors $\phi(D_{1})$,…,$\phi(D_{m})$ in the expression:
[2] The independence in MN
$\;\;P_{\phi}(X_{1},…,X_{n})$=$\frac {1}{Z}\cdot\phi(D_{1})\cdot\cdots\cdot\phi(D_{m})$, where:
➀$X_{1},…,X_{n}$ are the random variables, $\phi(D_{1}),…,\phi(D_{m})$ are the factors over domains grouped by the related variables and $D_{i}$’s are the domains.
➁$Z$…partition function
➂a factor is one contribution on the joint operation in variable elimination process.
➃a distribution $P_{\phi}$ with $\phi(D_{1})$,...,$\phi(D_{m})$ factorizes a Markov network if each $\phi_{i}$ is a complete subgraph of it.proof::mjtsai1974
Given this network, we’d like to prove $A\perp C\vert B$ given $P(A,B,C)$=$\frac {1}{Z}\cdot\phi_{A,B}(A,B)\cdot\phi_{B,C}(B,C)$:
➀$P(a\vert c)$
[3] BN with evidence is Gibbs in MN
=$\frac {P(a\cap c)}{P(c)}$
=$\frac {\sum_{b}P(a,b,c)}{\sum_{a,b}P(a,b,c)}$
=$\frac {\sum_{b}\phi_{A,B}(a,b)\cdot\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}{\sum_{a,b}\phi_{A,B}(a,b)\cdot\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}$
=$\frac {\phi_{A,C}(a,c)}{\phi_{C}(c)}$
It is evident $A$ is independent from $C$ and could be figured out by factors of $A$ and $C$.
➁$P(a\vert b)$
=$\frac {\sum_{c}P(a,b,c)}{\sum_{a,c}P(a,b,c)}$
=$\frac {\sum_{c}\phi_{A,B}(a,b)\cdot\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}{\sum_{a,c}\phi_{A,B}(a,b)\cdot\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}$
=$\frac {\phi_{A,B}(a,b)\cdot\sum_{c}\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}{\sum_{a}\phi_{A,B}(a,b)\cdot\sum_{c}\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}$
=$\frac {\phi_{A,B}(a,b)}{\sum_{a}\phi_{A,B}(a,b)}$
It is evident that the relationship of $A$ and $B$ is estimated by only factor of $A$ and $B$.
➂$P(a,c\vert b)$
=$\frac {P(a,b,c)}{P(b)}$
=$\frac {\phi_{A,B}(a,b)\cdot\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}{\sum_{a,c}\phi_{A,B}(a,b)\cdot\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}$
=$\frac {\phi_{A,B}(a,b)\cdot\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}{\sum_{a}\phi_{A,B}(a,b)\cdot\sum_{c}\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}$
=$\frac {\phi_{A,B}(a,b)}{\sum_{a}\phi_{A,B}(a,b)}\cdot\frac {\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}{\sum_{c}\phi_{B,C}(b,c)}$
=$P(a\vert b)\cdot P(c\vert b)$
This evidence is more confident in our deduction result!! By ➀, ➁, we can conclude that the probability of a variable conditioned on its Markov blanket depends only on potentials involving that node.➀suppose you are given a Bayesian network over $\chi$=$\{A,B,C,D,E\}$ illustrated in this graph, where we have the full joint PDF as:
=$P(E\vert C)\cdot P(D\vert B,C)$
$\;\;\cdot P(B\vert A)\cdot P(C\vert A)\cdot P(A)$
➁given the observation of $e$ on node $E$, then:
$P(a,b,c,d\vert E=e)$
=$\frac {P(a\cap b\cap c\cap d\cap e)}{P(e)}$
=$\frac {P(e\vert c)\cdot P(d\vert b,c)\cdot P(b\vert a)\cdot P(c\vert a)\cdot P(a)}{\sum_{A,B,C,D}P(A,B,C,D,e)}$
Evidently, this is a Gibbs distribution!!
➂we moralize the BN by connecting nodes $B$ and $C$ for they are parents of node $D$, and we have potentials thus expressed:
=$\frac {\phi_{A,B,C}(A,B,C)\cdot\phi_{B,C,D}(B,C,D)\cdot\phi_{C,E}(C,E)}{\sum_{A,B,C,D,E}\phi_{A,B,C}(A,B,C)\cdot\phi_{B,C,D}(B,C,D)\cdot\phi_{C,E}(C,E)}$
, where $\phi_{A,B,C}(A,B,C)$=$\phi_{A,B}(A,B)\cdot\phi_{A,C}(A,C)\cdot\phi_{A}(A)$
➃given the observation of $e$ on node $E$, then:
$\phi(a,b,c,d\vert e)$
=$\frac {\phi_{\chi}(a,b,c,d,e)}{\phi(e)}$
=$\frac {\phi_{A,B,C}(a,b,c)\cdot\phi_{B,C,D}(b,c,d)\cdot\phi_{C,E}(c,e)}{\sum_{A,B,C,D}\phi_{A,B,C}(A,B,C)\cdot\phi_{B,C,D}(B,C,D)\cdot\phi_{C,E}(C,e)}$
Surprisingly, a Gibbs distribution again!!
We can conclude that any BN conditioned on evidence can be regarded as a Markov network.
Variable Elimination From BN To MN
Still using the same example in Prof. Abbeel, steps through a few variable examples for the illustration with a mapping of each step from BN to MN.
To speed up the path to $P(U\vert +z)$, I use the optimal order of elimination: $W$,$Y$,$X$,$V$
➀eliminate the node $W$.
➁eliminate the node $Y$.
➂eliminate the node $X$.
➃eliminate the node $V$.
➄therefore, we have:
$P(U\vert +z)$
=$\frac {f_{4}(+z,U)\cdot P(U)}{\sum_{u}f_{4}(+z,u)}$
=$\frac {\phi_{Z,U}(+z,U)\cdot\phi_{U}(U)}{\sum_{u}\phi_{Z,U}(+z,u)}$We conclude that each elimination in BN could be well expressed in terms of potentials in MN.
➀Variable elimination, CS228, Stefano Ermon
➁Probabilistic graphical models, David Sontag, New York University, Lecture 2, February 2, 2012
➂Bayesian networks and decision graphs, F.V.Jensen, Springer-Verlag New York, 2001
➃Probabilistic graphical models, Raquel Urtasun and Tamir Hazan, TTI Chicago, April 4, 2011
➄From Bayesian networks to Markov networks, Sargur Srihari