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Partial Observable Markov Decision Process - Part 1

Prologue To Partial Observable Markov Decision Process - Part 1

This post is an entry of POMDP(Partial Observable Markov Decision Process), from the most foundamental to the belief update.

Summary Of All Markov Models

[1] Markov chain

➀finite number of discrete states with probabilistic transition between states.
➁the Makrov property is that next state is determined by current state only!!

[2] Hidden Markov model

➀all the same in Markov chain, except that we're unsure which state we are in.
➁the current state emits an observation.

[3] Markov decision process

➀finite number of discrete states.
➁probabilistic transition between states and executable actions in each state.
next state is determined by current state and current action.
the execution of an action might lead to unexpected result due to random stochasticity.

[4] Partial observal Markov decision process

➀all the same as Markov decision process, except that we're unsure which state we are in.
➁the current state emits an observation.

Below table exhibits the summary:

Belief State In POMDP

Below exhibits the POMDP model, wherein the probability distribution is over the world states with true state is only partially observable.

➀the agent keeps/maintains an internal belief state, say $b$, that summarizes its experience.
➁the agent makes state estimation to update from belief state $b$ to next belief state $b^{'}$, based on the last action it has taken, the current observation it has made, and the previous belief state $b$.

[Question]Why Belief State in POMDP?


➀the state of the real world is only partially observable.
➁the agent needs to learn how the observations might aid its performance.
➂there might exists no immediate observation pertaining to the desired state.
$\Rightarrow$This rerveals that the states are probabilistically distributed over the given observations at any time, such probability distribution varies over time, that’s why we have belief state from initial $b$ to $b^{'}$, or say from $b_{0}$ to $b_{1}$, $b_{2}$,…,$b_{i}$, $b_{i+1}$,…,$b_{\infty}$.

➃the whole POMDP is illustrated/iterated in the environment of uncertainty.
uncertainty about action outcome, about the world state due to imperfect(partial) information.

POMDP Parameters

➀initial belief:
$b(S)$=$P(S)$, this means the probability for we are in state $S$.
➁belief state updating:
$b^{'}(S^{'})$=$P(S^{'}|O,A,b)$, this represents the probability for we are in state $S^{'}$, given that we take action $A$, make observation $O$, from previous belief state distribution, say $b$.
➂observation function:
$\Omega(S^{'},A,O)$=$P(O|S^{'},A)$, it represents the probability for we make observation $O$, given that we are transiting to state $S^{'}$, by taking action $A$.
➃transitive probability:
$T(S,A,S^{'})$=$P(S^{'}|S,A)$, it represents the probability for we transit from $S$ to $S^{'}$, by taking action $A$.
$R(A,b)$=$\sum_{S}R(S,A)\cdot b(S)$, where $R(S,A)$ is the same as it is in MDP, and the reward is summing over the reward by taking action $A$ with proportion to the probabilistic distribution for each state $S$ in $b$.

Understand The Belief State $b$

Suppose we are given $n$ underlying states, a discrete state space of size $n$, then the belief state $b$ is a vector of $n$ states.

Partial observable turns discrete problem of $n$ states into continuous problem, a POMDP with $n$ states induces an $n$-dimensional belief-MDP.

  • Why?

The true state is only partial observable, where $b(S)$=probability of being in state $S$.
At each step, the agent:
➀takes some action, say $A$
➁transites to next state $S^{'}$ form state $S$
➂makes observation $O$, with probability $P(O|S^{'},A)$
➃suppose we are given initial belief state $b$, after ➀,➁,➂, the probabilistic distribution over the belief state would definitely be changed.

  • The posterior belief
    That’s why we need to make belief update, say the posterior belief:
    $b^{'}(S^{'})$=$\alpha\cdot P(O|S^{'},A)\cdot\sum_{S}P(S^{'}|S,A)\cdot b(S)$
    , where $\alpha$ is certain coefficient, such belief update is continuous rather than discrete!!!

  • Continuous belief update

    POMDP could be regarded as continuous belief update over underlying MDP states, as the agent’s belief is encoded through a continuous belief state.
    Each MDP state is a probability distribution(continuous belief state) over the state of the original POMDP.

POMDP: Belief Update

=$P(S^{'}|A,O,b)$, we believe we are in state $S^{'}$, given observation $O$
=$P(O|S^{'},A,b)\cdot\frac {P(S^{'}|A,b)}{P(O|A,b)}$

mjtsai think we can treat $b'(S')$ as $P(S'|O)$ in viewpoint of Bayer theorem.

  • $P(O|S^{'},A,b)$
    ➀it is the probability that we make observation $O$, given that we are in state $S^{'}$, by taking action $A$, probabilistically distributed over belief state $b$(or say from previous belief state $b$).
    ➁therefore, we can treat $P(O|S^{'},A,b)$=$P(O|S^{'})$

  • $P(S^{'}|A,b)$
    This stands for the probability that we are in $S^{'}$, given action $A$ has been taken, from belief state $b$
    , where $P(S^{'}|A,b)$=$\sum_{S}P(S^{'}|A,S)\cdot b(S)$ and this $b$ is to be believed a vector of states, a vector of state space.

  • $P(O|A,b)$
    This indicates we make observation $O$, given that we has taken action $A$, from belief state $b$
    , this is a normalization factor, where
    =$\sum_{S^{''}}P(O|S^{''})\cdot P(S^{''}|A,b)$
    =$\sum_{S^{''}}P(O|S^{''})\cdot\sum_{S}P(S^{''}|A,S)\cdot b(S)$


This expression is asking for the probability of the fact that we are in state $S^{'}$, given that we make observation $O$, by taking action $A$, from somewhat belief state $b$.

It could be further expanded as the qualitative probability that we make observation $O$, given that we are in state $S^{'}$, by taking action $A$, from belief state $b$. Such likeli in turn multiplied by the probabilty, which is a prior that we are in $S^{'}$, by taking action $A$, from belief state $b$. Finally, over the total/marginal probability probability that we make observation $O$, given that we take action $A$, from somewhat belief state $b$.


Partial Observable Markov Decision Process, Charles IsBell, Michael Littman, Reinforcement Learning By Georgia Tech(CS8803)
Partially Observable Markov Decision Process, Geoff Hollinger, 2007 fall
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kopp, 2010, Bielefed University